Thursday, January 15, 2015

Why write?

For me, there are two kinds of writers. Those who write because they have to, and those who write as a form of past time or just a hobby. I belong to the second category.
Ever since I was in high school, it has been a habit for me to express my emotions through writing. Being an only child with no limited social life, it was my form of escape, secondary to day dreaming. So when I went to college, I thought I should be a writer and pursued a major in language and literature. That's when I discovered I could never force myself to write on topics that I do not like, nor write when it has a deadline. I am more of a moody writer. I write when I want to. But this year I aim to blog constantly. Why? Because somehow I have the time, ability, and the drive to write, but most importantly, I am a forgetful person.
I want to write down my thoughts, what God has been putting in my heart, my journey, my rants, my feelings, or just anything under the sun.
I shall write for my own benefit, and prayerfully, other people will also benefit from my reflections on random things.
Ultimately, my goal is to glorify God with what I write.
All my blog entries would aim to draw people closer to God.
God is the reason I can write-the Great Writer.
Thus, I shall merely be a scribe through writing a part of His amazing story-my life.

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